iPotty…the Name Says It All

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Parents everywhere are turning to their iPad to assist in educating and entertaining children. Thousands of quality learning apps exist to help everything from speaking to writing. Games help little ones kill time – and improve skills in some cases. And of course the iPad mobility with movies and TV shows becomes a life saver in some situations…a babysitter as some would say. But one p
arental duty floating under the radar has plenty of apps (22 on the US app store) to assist. Is it reading? Nope. Math? Nope. POTTY TRAINING! Yes, apps give parents help in the quest to get “pee-pee in the potty.” And now a creative piece of ‘hardware’ looks to help complete the learning process.
Meet the iPotty, $40 children’s potty with built in iPad stand. This colorful contraption provides the perfect size potty for those being trained. Take off the top, insert the front ‘shield’ if needed, pop in your iPad – which remains out of the range of fire and has a plastic cover to ensure dryness.  Hopefully the kid will stay on the iPotty long enough to get engaged in the app you choose and take care of business. Easily remove the stand if you choose to train without the pad. The iPotty, on display at CES, comes to us from CTA Digital, makers of a variety of gaming and multimedia accessories for tablets, phones and the like. And they are familiar with what kids use as they offer plenty of gadgets to help children enjoy technology. So why not! Let the iPad help with one other task in the quest to raise children.


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